Westminster abbey

Westminster Abbey is one of the most important places in London. Its real name is Collegiate Church of ST Peter in Westminster. The reason of this name is to differentiate it from Easter abbey. This abbey was founded by Benedictine monks and they started to built in the thirteenth century (approximately) and continued its construction over centuries. Probably, this is why we find different architectural styles, although the dominant style is gothic.

It’s the biggest gothic dome nave in Britain; it is exactly 34 meters high. The abbey is 156 meters long and 34 meters wide. The monarchs used it for coronations and burials of nobility and other illustrious people. This sacred building has always been under of the English monarchy jurisdiction and it has never been under jurisdiction of the Vatican.

This place is an icon in England. Inside the religious building we find tombs of famous and illustrious English people. Some important people buried there are Charles Dickens, Henry VII, Isaac Newton, Lord Byron, William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill and Muzio Clementi.